We definitely spent a lot of time in high places on this trip
Look ! A petty building that I know nothing about and we didn't go in!
That time we accidentally went to a gaming convention
So Christian picked all the places we were going on this trip, except for one- the Ferris Wheel- so I really don't know much about any of them. I do know that we wanted to go into Rathaus, but of all days, an international gaming convention was being held inside and out front of the building. We went into the conventions, but the line to get into the building was astronomical because there was some sort of virtual reality Mario thing going on inside.
German is hard
This beautiful church was right down the street from the Rathaus and it was so beautiful. I will always be amazed at how detailed Gothic architecture is much of it there is in Eastern Europe.
This beautiful apartment building is designed to be a combination of color and texture in the center of a residential area,
Prater Amusement Park
Wiener Riesenrad and a tiny Rollercoaster
We went on the world famous ferris wheel. From the top we could see all through Vienna! Christian wanted to go on a rollercoaster and since I had my camera out, I figured why not take a couple pictures! This is one of my favorites!